Friday, December 30, 2011
part of the sickness
i sway like ocean weight
described his
eyes as "buoyant"
i, i
questioned the wording
it's part of the sickness
when everything else
is pouring out of me
why not songs?
words too,
and damn, i'm vocal
my new years resolution
is to shut
the fuck up
right after this line,
i swear
one more
take and
i can
hit this
high note
Monday, December 19, 2011
Water makes flat
Your hair
In that spot
That gentle
Between your shoulder blades
Where the sun
Smoothes every morning
As you turn
Your face from the window
I have heard you
Quavering, sing
Mellow and soothing
Smokey and hushed
A song for
On green sheets
Wrinkled and ruined
Humming in
My ear
I have felt your
Breathe in
Quicker and softer
Brushed hair
From my
Picked you from
Between my
Made soft your
Blurry eyes
With heat
Gripped you in
My mold
Twisted between
Your delicate ribs
As you turn
Slow between my
We’ve wrung
Each other’s tears
Out in smiles
Dried by dry lips
Beeswaxed and cracked
Rubbed tender
Our sorest
Smoothed out the
Wrinkles in water
Nibbled at our
Hanging free flesh
As we fold
Into the mystic
Sunday, December 18, 2011
multi touch table (interface final project)
i spent most of my days and nights over the last month sweating over making this crazy touch screen table. i used the software max/msp to convert audio into shapes and used a finger tracking software to take the finger movements on the table and convert them into triggers that make more shapes and effect the shapes on screen.
the box is 18"x25"x19" with a screen area of 17"x24". i used really nice Appleply birch veneer plywood (3/4"), a clear sheet of acrylic (3/16"), a sheet of vellum coated with silicon sealant for a wider surface area when touching, a small usb camera (converted into an infared camera by taking out the visible light filter and replacing it with a bit of used film strip), 64 IR leds around the edge of the acrylic, a 15V power supply, and my laptop to run it.
some process photos:
polishing the acrylic to a sheen with sandpaper and dremel polisher.
connecting the leds in groups of 8
finished wood working
detail of slot for LEDs and acrylic to fit into
acrylic and leds in, wired up to the power supply
Friday, December 9, 2011
my sleep body
See-saw my weight
Like the alcoholic
Volume content
Makes corks
Stain chartreuse
Smudges on the
Edge of the bathtub, like
Maroon coffee cup
Of coffee
Vanilla candle
Melting on the
Edge of the bathtub, like
My hands
Melting on the
Piano teeth
March me upstairs. You can’t see nearly as many stars from your observatory as you can in my hometown. We could drive to the top of Figueroa Mountain; you could watch the moon rise over the peaks there. I don’t think UFO sightings are funny. Well, they are funny, but not “ha-ha” funny. You either have had the experience or not. It’s scarier when everyone else is seeing the same thing.
Both fuming, coughing
You tied yourself to
The bed
(for warmth)
The mirror reflects
A rainbow
On the pillowcase
At the right time of day
I lay
On top of your body
(for warmth)
The mirror reflects
A rainbow on
Your hips
My knees fold over
Your knees
My nose
Melting on the
Edge of your
Ear, like
My hands
Melting over your
Skinny wrists
Please, stop apologizing. That is the point anyway, isn’t it? Do what you have to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you…I remember clearly, there were four of us, in this tree. There were three or more separate lights. They would move in erratic, slightly geometric patterns, then swoop down real close to the horizon line, then zoom way up and away nearly out of sight before coming back. One was changing color like a psychedelic LED in the sky. All of the sudden they disappeared together.
My sleep body
Is much heavier
Than my
Bone vessel
Residual weight
When waking
Sometimes, I’m pulled
Stone in
Water, like
My hands
Melting on the
Edge of the bathtub
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Without without
"How can it not be poetry?"
Why, I never!
A gesture,
Longer pause
"How I Am Not What
I Have Been"
in movement
with emotion
Without without
The sound whistles
out of your
Bodily rhythm comma
Beautiful source (no comma)
How to talk about it
without without
Talking about it
Does it have a
Where is its
Do you feel it when you
Writing in water
Makes ink float
Cloudy like
Water smoke
Bodies in water
Float in bodies of water
Gentle, with the tongue
Tipping on your
And counting there, too
New words make
We knew, have
Can hear
Have been
Still dream of
Bodies in water
With emotion
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Praise for Richie Lee
Praise for Richie Lee
Marbled, Hope sings
“Louise Louise” sweet
Animals on earth
Praise for the morning
Candle-lit yellow
Your yawning tooth slanted
Prickle, pierce, pair
Soothing warm water
With flame
Pluming half-light seizing
Sizing shadows extending air
Catches breath as you
Catch your death of cold
Makes hands to shake
Makes smiles fake, flaking
Plaster coated plain clothes
In the office, in the air
I sing along
Please don’t turn
Your eyes away
Just close your eyes
And see
Marbled morning
Praise for
Richie Lee and for
Half-time swinging
Close your eyes
In time
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
O.G. Red Dog
Fortnights in mud
Beggars wager, swagger
Red land taken by force
From Red Dog’s Indian Ancestors
Iroquoi, Sioux, Mosquito
(he’s the chief of each)
With no family left
No pure blood left unspilled
Spoiled by quotas and commissioners
Paid to play
Number by colors.
Some hues are not desirable
In an American painting
We royally prefer:
Keep your
Tear trailed dirt shade
Boot stomped patterned red
Black on black ski mask cut out
Away from our
Glossy magazine spread
Eagle balding.
O.G. Red Dog
Informed me of his
U.N. issued raincoat
With ID, two hundred
And the tape was amazing!
He had walked all of Frisco
Every neighborhood,
Telling everybody
Speaks nine languages
All the time recording,
He didn’t break a window
And resting in my driveway
Listening back,
The pigs took the vet downtown
Without hearing
How he’d just returned from his station
How the tape recorder belonged to United Nations
How he had received his duster
In service to his
Land of the free.
Watch the crowd thinning
From gas guzzling vultures
Trained to kill and leave
To the least composed.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
"keep an eye" remix
Monday, November 7, 2011
Second Ticket
When leisure leans back into leather
Coushioned soft from gravity spikes
The feel of ease at the sound of key strikes
Warming hands on a relaxed spine
A lack of space (what’s yours or mine)
A pregnant pause, a talk or two
A look of longing straight and true
A golden frame, a misplaced button
A healthy dose of care for nothing
Ask about my tell me ‘bout your
Touch my hair and strike up sweet scores
From dusty cardboard, needle scratched
“A Case of You,” a joint, a match
A comforter-cum-winter coat
The toe, the knee that rocked the boat
The second time now in the dark
A foggy glass, a bright blue spark
Some crooked teeth, a metal cap
A second ticket on the dash
It’s a sign, I’m sure (perhaps)
You fall asleep so fast
Sunday, October 30, 2011
my mazzy
oooh my god, finally, new mazzy star. fifteen years in the coming, gorgeous new single "common burn," backed with "lay myself down." they'll be touring early next year and releasing a new album after, beyond excited.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
"Schwitters worked in several genres and media, including Dada, Constructivism, Surrealism, poetry, sound, painting, sculpture, graphic design, typography and what came to be known as installation art. He is most famous for his collages, called Merz Pictures.
Schwitters also dramatically altered the interiors of a number of spaces throughout his life. The most famous was The Merzbau, the transformation of six (or possibly more) rooms of the family house in Hannover. This took place very gradually; work started in about 1923, the first room was finished in 1933, and Schwitters subsequently extended the Merzbau to other areas of the house until he fled to Norway in early 1937. Most of the house was let to tenants, so that the final extent of the Merzbau was less than is normally assumed. On the evidence of Schwitters' correspondence, by 1937 it had spread to two rooms of his parents' apartment on ground floor, the adjoining balcony, the space below the balcony, one or two rooms of the attic and possibly part of the cellar. In 1943 it was destroyed in a bombing raid. he built it again in oslo; It burnt down in 1951 and no photos survive."
a small response book, rearrangeable tunnel structure:
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
a wave
Face on
Confronted her
Ambivalent swelling
In the dark
Among more gentle forces
Rolling in the fog:
Dammed trappings
Aural flow, canyons
Ice trays sliding,
Scolding displays
(of affection)
Turbines churning, continuously
Scum greening
Silt lines in
Swimming pools
Every season
Baptized cool, dripping
In drought
The wave passed
But not before
I felt the current
Roll me
Like a marble
In a game
Of chance,
Split me
In two
And send me swimming
In opposite directions
Monday, October 3, 2011
Andalucia when can I see you
When it is snowing out again
Farmer John wants you
Louder and softer closer and nearer
Then again
Needing you, taking you, keeping you, leaving you
In a year and a day to be sure
That your face doesn't alter
Your words never falter -- I love you
I'll be here waiting later and later
Hoping the night will go away
Andalucia Castles and Christians
Andalucia come to stay
You were lost, once before, on a day much like this
When you'd made up your mind not to come
And I couldn't persuade you
Or wait till tomorrow -- or pass the time
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
bar scene
For just a second
To pull taut the string between
His teeth and the young lady’s brain
And whispers into his whisky.
An important man,
Masked, but recognizably important nonetheless
Has come to deliver a message,
But it is soon understood this important man
Has no mother tongue.
Wildly gesturing: Long winters, stampede,
A great weight, a hiding place—
The barman’s coattails light up!
He shrugs his jacket to the floor,
It comes alive, personified
In a panicking fury, furled and rearing
“Just fine, just fine,” murmurs the young lady.
Says, “Second hand smoke, I’m blowing it,
I’m blowing it.”
The stage light yawns,
Low and blue on the slob, now at the microphone
He once more puts down his whiskey
And whispers, slow, finely drawn out
Carving tactile shapes with his vowels,
Interpreting the important masked man’s story.
But the flames are licking the bar,
And those who have not already fled
Never noticed any of the above.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
gold leaf hype + nonsense poem
Jaws of way which ridge is risen
Isn’t amorphous, bent back steel
Zither threw shapes mapped quiet
Leaner, brittle pond
Inkspot pillowcase annexed now now
Now oil, wick, tallow
Two shoes moon, through
Tissue crinkles grinning mad and
Phosphor-cloud loop wiring
For you or only once, come
Come from square waves
Being stayed winking dawn moves
Nine lives to love,
Worms on the loom, loom looming
Upon an eastern waltz in the background
Cherry pit gravestone rolling
Grey, anon.
Hark and sing laughing stream
Barely coaxed wax part breaking
Render storm salmon in wood grain fashion
Hell bent lettering soothe say you
Fallen on should solder ringing
Unclean opal for molar marks
Long and long wicked fruit
Straw handed window fog text
Nested almond crescent sun
Pooling like lips gather silences
In shoestring tethers
Smoke, perforations made
Brilliant white mesh reflection
Remarked, struck with
Vibrations—held breath in jest/ingest
Cello water bathing the hours free
From ticking seconds match
Strike sharp, white and black keys meander
Holy one two ambiguous
Repose, engraved glass
Surfacing here eye tilt eerily
Yawn. Hovering hanging
Sewing a ladder wry strung,
Warm earth swallowing sung
Hidden den, done then Mother,
Dark wine, young will stalk phrases and skip
Merrily open out over our
Shiver bit quell the mold
Knuckles drawn melt gracefully in
Age, moment’s trick
Sagely yellow
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
They say I look like the living dead
They say I can't have much in my head
They say my songs are much too slow
But they don't know the things I know
I know I don't belong
And there's nothing I can do
I was born too late
And I'll never be like you
times when
one to tell you how to do it
you may have to make
a big decision
and i won't waste another breath
on what i want to see
before you begged and left
your stead to keep a hand
and how often you led your friends
to believe nonsense
but they won't waste another breath
on what they want to see
Thursday, July 14, 2011
your pearls shall become
your swine
red wine
still recalls a certain
summer night
brings so many visions
to my eyes
that i
had tried to push aside
that i
knew i couldn't hide
in time
the sun
will rise
over the valley
in time
the sun
will rise
in time
your pearls shall become
your swine
you're mine
in a vision that i have
some nights
arc of a shoulder
as you look behind
in time
your pearls could
own you
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
marking time
and unconscious drum
is slowed and quickened by
heavy waking hands
weighted with rings of water
and half-remembered thoughts
re-imagined and re-remembered
and frozen into holy ores to pass down
to smaller fingers.
skin to ore & ore to skin,
the drumming does not end
as it did not begin
(marking time
marking time
marking time
two three four
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
recollection of tenting
tenting: termites &
endless ginger ale in
a two-star motel
as Clinton was defamed
and dethroned
while traveling
on an endless flight
to san francisco
after one week of
not getting stoned
over a dark sea
lit by another ocean
of flickering T.V.s
each tuned to a
different memory
under a spell
of haunted melody:
Mahler's "adagietto"
hits harder
with the elevation
waiting to brace
for landings
and for these damned
T.V.s to turn themselves
sometimes there is less!
Monday, June 6, 2011
will to love
Baby, if I see boredom
in your eyes
I'll know my river has run dry
But I won't turn back
with that lonely tide
I bought that ticket
and I'll take that ride.
If we meet along the way
Please sway beside me,
let us sway together
Our tails together
and our fins and mind
We'll leave this water
and let our scales shine
In the sun above
and the sky below
So all the water
and earth will know
It has often been my dream
To live with one
who wasn't there.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
but it's just the way you are you don't have to be afraid
the way you look at the stars and how you think that they were made
the motion will never stop turning the night into the day
you've gone away enough when will you decide to stay
my trouble with everything always is nothing's just right
just to figure out nothing could keep you awake half the night
not to know what you want is a terrible thing you should fight
you just sift for the face of the dark while you wait for the light
Sunday, May 22, 2011
seagulls vs. real gulls
there's no such thing as "seagulls."
i told him,
"believe what you want to believe."
"what's that flying above you?"
"what do you actually value?"
"where did you get your name?"
it was given to you by a man
and a seagull's just the same.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Today (Jefferson Airplane) by gold-leaf
Thursday, April 28, 2011
long hairs in shoes worn from walking the same trails
"so long"
a crow cries for a response
a crow cracks walnuts from a phone line
heat rises off the wires while the worn shoes sway
and all remnants of dependence are wiped away
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Later Spring
gold leaf's got a new album. "Later Spring" was written and recorded throughout winter 2010-2011 in the bedroom. free download on bandcamp, feel free to donate to the cause. thanks for listening!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
under my car
Saw you layin under my car, but you took it too far
Don't you know
Held your hand, as you, slipped away
Watched your eyes turn to grey tonight
Me, I'm alone
I'm just driving away, from the sight of you laying in death