i spent most of my days and nights over the last month sweating over making this crazy touch screen table. i used the software max/msp to convert audio into shapes and used a finger tracking software to take the finger movements on the table and convert them into triggers that make more shapes and effect the shapes on screen.
the box is 18"x25"x19" with a screen area of 17"x24". i used really nice Appleply birch veneer plywood (3/4"), a clear sheet of acrylic (3/16"), a sheet of vellum coated with silicon sealant for a wider surface area when touching, a small usb camera (converted into an infared camera by taking out the visible light filter and replacing it with a bit of used film strip), 64 IR leds around the edge of the acrylic, a 15V power supply, and my laptop to run it.
some process photos:
polishing the acrylic to a sheen with sandpaper and dremel polisher.
connecting the leds in groups of 8
finished wood working
detail of slot for LEDs and acrylic to fit into
acrylic and leds in, wired up to the power supply
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