Friday, December 9, 2011

my sleep body

See-saw my weight

Like the alcoholic

Volume content

Makes corks

Stain chartreuse

Smudges on the

Edge of the bathtub, like

Maroon coffee cup


Of coffee

Vanilla candle

Melting on the

Edge of the bathtub, like

My hands

Melting on the

Piano teeth

March me upstairs. You can’t see nearly as many stars from your observatory as you can in my hometown. We could drive to the top of Figueroa Mountain; you could watch the moon rise over the peaks there. I don’t think UFO sightings are funny. Well, they are funny, but not “ha-ha” funny. You either have had the experience or not. It’s scarier when everyone else is seeing the same thing.

Both fuming, coughing


You tied yourself to

The bed

(for warmth)

The mirror reflects

A rainbow

On the pillowcase

At the right time of day

I lay


On top of your body

(for warmth)

The mirror reflects

A rainbow on

Your hips

My knees fold over

Your knees

My nose

Melting on the

Edge of your

Ear, like

My hands

Melting over your

Skinny wrists

Please, stop apologizing. That is the point anyway, isn’t it? Do what you have to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you…I remember clearly, there were four of us, in this tree. There were three or more separate lights. They would move in erratic, slightly geometric patterns, then swoop down real close to the horizon line, then zoom way up and away nearly out of sight before coming back. One was changing color like a psychedelic LED in the sky. All of the sudden they disappeared together.

My sleep body

Is much heavier

Than my

Bone vessel

Residual weight

When waking

Sometimes, I’m pulled


Stone in

Water, like

My hands

Melting on the

Edge of the bathtub

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